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Equine Sessions

Nest Byron Bay x The Kind Farm


Nest Byron Bay has proudly partnered with The Kind Farm; an animal rescue service that rescues horses at risk of slaughter.  The horses are then placed in forever homes. 


We are very happy to have 4 horses on our property which were rescued by The Kind Farm. 


Horses for Healing

Equine therapy is a form of experiential therapy, safely interacting with horses for the purpose of social-emotional and relationship skills building. This interaction builds connection with your ‘self', along with personal development.


The horses' immediate response to our breath, energy, and intentions is profound, uncovering deep emotional triggers and pain within us. As a result, equine therapy proves to be a powerful tool for nurturing conscious leadership and advancing emotional intelligence. 

This recognised healing therapy has the ability to profoundly transform the lives of individuals. Please reach out for further details or to book a session.

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NEST is honoured to be held by the ancient lands of the Minjungbul People who are part of the Bundjalung Nation.


We give deep respect to the Ancestors of this Land and the Elders past, present and emerging.

It is our commitment as custodians to give back to the land and the waters and to nourish the spirit of Country


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+61 (0)431 201 460

© 2024 Nest Byron Bay • Website by REAL. Brand

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